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The same old story over and over again

August 16, 2013

Comet or Meteor?


Comets or meteors?

Perhaps they’re like rooks and crows

“Where there’s a rook there’s a crow,

“Where there’s crows there’s rooks”


To be one amongst a shower, a storm of meteors

Hurtling through the emptiness of infinity

Protected by the confidence of knowing

That we and our equally frenzied fellow travellers

However far we hurl ourselves

Flashing by through all the vastness

Looking tiny and bright like a fireside’s sparks

Consumed in a stampede, burning up and soon to be lost

Are in fact racing along a familiar orbit

That could last as long as a million years

Which all too soon will pull us back to where we’ve been

A familiar sight, overlooking what we’ve already seen


Or to be a lonely meteor

Deserting the pack, distracted by some new attraction

Sampling a novel atmosphere, hardly aware

Of the flames gathering round

Till the grip that was a comfort

That was such a pleasure to be caught by

Loses its interest or changes its intent

Returning the wanderer to the emptiness

Or turning a journey of exploration

Into a pitiful conflagration

With a final pathetic fall

Messy and destructive to all

That witness the meaningless call

Of that misguided journey’s concluding bump


Well, I don’t know if this is good science

And hope not to be subject to such violence

Shooting stars may enjoy applause from those below

But I’ll see it all from here, and adore the moon’s glow.

Ladies First

Who should say I love you first?

The one who feels it least

So I guess it’s after you my darling

But it’s too late already

Because, in spite of my best efforts

You know I’ve already said it a thousand times

Although you may still not believe it

And as every Jane Austen reader knows

(Please give her another go)

Men fuss the most

But it’s the woman who feels it most deeply

And I have a reputation

As a notorious flirt, albeit, some would say, a sincere one.

And why would you say, why would anybody say

Those precious few words on this particular day?

That’s easy for me to answer –

Because I’m here with you, in spirit at least

And here with me is where you should be

That’s something with which you would choose to agree

But first I believe you have something to say to me

So get on with it!

Have some mercy

Before there’s a commotion

And our love is consumed in an explosion

Of poorly controlled and inadequately hidden emotion

Instead of it being plain for all to see

That you and me are really just we

Two wee souls who have found each other

Running away from and towards the same goals

Linked even when standing on opposing poles.

If I’m wrong, don’t tell me, if correct, convince me

That we have not been the same ever since we

Met, and parted, met, and parted, and met

And never parted again.

From → Poet

  1. Thanks Akiraokihu!
    To be honest, I personally prefer “Comet or Meteor?”, as that poem seems more original to me than “Ladies First”, at least in terms of my own work.
    Very glad you like the line you quote. I think rhyme carries the danger of overpowering actual thought, but sometimes the rhyme just comes naturally, as in that case. It’s a great feeling when a poem seems to write itself, though first drafts can often be polished and improved. I do respect your opinion, though a score can be rather uninformative.
    Your kind words show you are a true poet. Actually, my life plan involves reading a million pages (not including comics or journalism) which, last time I calculated the figures, will take until I’m about 120, so rest assured that any reference I make to being old is purely with the intention of mocking you for being young!
    Hope you’re not offended by my occasionally teasing tone; just trying to have a bit of fun, especially at a time when, here in England, doing what one wants is severely discouraged, and the prospect of the life ahead can be as depressing as the thought of what opportunities one has missed or messed up already,
    I think the like and rating buttons appear on this site because of the “Theme” I chose, but you should be able to add extras to your own site via the dashboard and settings; WordPress’s help features can guide you through a few things. Otherwise, it’s trial and error; get some training if you have the chance, or grab a 10 year old and ask them!
    Well, I must be off for now, but please rest assured that I appreciate your interest, enjoy sharing our passion for literature and related matters, and look forward to following your blog, learning as much as I can from you and generally enjoying the products of what, in all honesty, seems to me a quite brilliant mind.


  2. Well very nice actually. And the question,the question that burns: “why would anybody say
    Those precious few words on this particular day?”. I love that. Yes,I gave you 3/5 but I am very critic,and I still have to meet a work that I could give 5/5. I only noted few 4.5/5 but you deserved a 3.5/5(unfortunately it wasn’t enough for me to give 4/5…). Anyway,how can I put ratings at my posts,I am pretty new here. I look forward to reading more of your poetry,and even though you say you are old,I am sure that you have a whole life ahead,to do what you want. After all,we are all young children inside. And until you reach 65-70 don’t tell me you are old,don’t lie to yourself! You can still do what you want!


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